
By aiming to take the life quality to an upper level with the whole realized Projects, SVK continues to be the address of luxury.

SVK Buildcon Office: 1 Krushna Building. Sus Road. Pune 411001

© 2023 SVK Buildcon

Our redevelopment services:

SVK Buildcon has expanded its offerings to include comprehensive redevelopment services. The company specializes in revitalizing outdated structures, transforming them into modern, state-of-the-art projects. With our deep understanding of the redevelopment process, SVK Buildcon provides expert guidance throughout the entire project lifecycle, from initial assessment to final handover. Our redevelopment solutions not only enhance property values but also contribute to the overall revitalization of neighborhoods in Pune.

Property Specifications & documentation for redevelopment:

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  • Society-Related Documents

    • Society Registration Certificate: Official document proving the society’s legal status.
    • Approved Building Plan: The sanctioned architectural plan for the existing structure.
    • Conveyance Deed / Lease Deed / Sale Deed: Legal documents outlining the ownership or tenancy rights of the society.
    • Copy of Resolution by Society Members: A formal document recording the society’s decision to redevelop.
    • Property Card: A record of the property’s ownership and details.
    • Share Certificate (in case of Society): Documents indicating ownership of shares in the society.

    Land-Related Documents

    • Documents / Deeds / Agreements: Legal documents related to the society’s plot.
    • List of Members with Their Respective Carpet Areas: Details of each member’s ownership share.
    • D.P. Remark: A notation on the development plan regarding the property’s zoning and regulations.
    • Extract of 7/12: A detailed record of land ownership and encumbrances.
    • Search Report and Title Certificate: Documents verifying the property’s ownership and legal status.
    • Index II: A record of land transactions and encumbrances.
    • N.A. Order: No Objection Certificate from relevant authorities.

    Project-Related Documents

    • Commencement Certificate: Permission to start construction.
    • Occupation Certificate: Approval to occupy the completed building.
    • Completion Certificate: Confirmation of project completion.
    • Demarcation Old: Survey and demarcation of the existing property boundaries.

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Zaga Construction Lead Engineer


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